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How to get rid of MICE naturally?

Concern around the use of chemicals to rid mice from the home or workplace means that many people would prefer to try and eliminate mice by natural means rather than poison.

There are many methods claimed to eradicate mice by natural means. Some are homely remedies which have been handed down through the generations while others extol the virtues of technology to remove rodents from properties. But do any of them actually work?

Wood MouseNatural Mice Repellents

Certainly natural mice repellents can work, and can help get rid of mice in your yard naturally. The biggest bonus is that none will cause any actual harm to humans, pets and other welcome visitors. But it can be something of a trial and error process to find an effective chemical-free method.

Home remedies to get rid of mice include:

Peppermint oil – said to work as mice have a very sensitive sense of smell and strong concentrations of peppermint may irritate them enough to vacate an area. Studies have suggested that to be effective peppermint oil must be applied daily in strong doses. It can cause skin and throat irritation though.

Mothballs – placed near a nest, mothballs are said to deter mice because of the presence of Naphthalene which reduces the ability of blood cells to carry oxygen. Mothballs contain a very small amount of the organic compound, however. If they were bothered by large amounts of mothballs in their place of residence, mice would probably just gnaw somewhere else to hide.

Spice rack contents – Tabasco sauce, pepper, cayenne pepper, chilli powder and cloves are all said to deter mice. Research is a bit patchy into the effectiveness of each but the house mouse is said to hate the smell of them all. They probably work best in a confined environment rather than sprinkled around a whole house.

Ammonia – the colourless gas with a pungent aroma is thought to deter mice by resembling the smell of a predator’s urine. Ammonia in high concentrations can cause skin burns, breathing difficulties and eye damage.

Whit and Brown Common MiceDo ultrasonic rodent repellers work?

There are many types of ultrasonic sound rodent repellents on the market, that can help get rid of mice in your house naturally. They either use a high-frequency sound or electromagnetic fields to repel pests.

Most schools of thought in the pest control world suggest they don’t really work. Or certainly don’t work for prolonged periods of time. They may work best when a group of mice has yet to fully establish themselves in a place.

Other natural, physical means to deter mice

Humane mouse traps can be a fine option. They simply allow a curious rodent to enter a box, then prevent them from being able to leave. You still need to find a suitable place to release the mouse, ideally at least a mile from your house to prevent a return.

Alternatively, having a cat in the house is one of the most natural ways to get rid of mice. The very presence – and scent – of a cat may deter the mouse who doesn’t want to be hunted on a daily basis. Not all cats are natural mousers, however, and not all householders are cat lovers.

Other ways to prevent mice in the first place include making your house as mouse-proof as possible. This means sealing up gaps through which they can easily enter the property, removing accessible food sources or baiting mechanical traps with peanut butter.

Ultimately, when it comes to a mouse and his/her family making your house their home, prevention is the best component of an overall strategy. A professional pest control service will implement a plan to rid your property of mice and stop them returning.

Contact us today for more information on our nationwide network of experts to help you with Mice Control.

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